Grant Thornton Argentina's Audit services have been designed to help the client to meet the challenges of managing risk, resources and information. Our professionals work with you to help you understand what the risks are and how to successfully address them. We use our own methodology and the latest technological tools to provide quality services and advice adapted to the nature and particular circumstances of your business.

The services offered by our Audit division includes:

  • Audits and limited reviews of financial statements for local fines
  • Prepared under international standards (IFRS for SMEs; IFRS; US GAAP)
  • According to different audit frameworks (local, international standards, Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA), Comissao de Valores Mobiliarios (Brazil), Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (Chile), Alternative Investment Market (UK), American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (US GAAS), Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (US))
  • Audit agreed procedures
  • Special reports and certifications for external entities and/or BCRA
  • Audits for specific purposes.

Learn about our practice

We have the size, breadth, depth and global reach to serve dynamic organizations around the world. Our teams can provide you with warranty services that deliver real value and support investor confidence.

We coordinate, cooperate and communicate on the basis of our global strategy and local dynamism, ultimately leading to greater coherence and better quality of our services.

Our Audit services

External audit

We offer services of external audit of financial statements; assurance reports, agreed procedures and certifications; due-diligence and take-over of companies.

Audit methodology and technology

At Grant Thornton we use a single audit methodology across our global network. We apply it through an integrated set of software tools known as the Voyager suite. Meet it now.

Professional standards and training

Our IFRS advisors can help you navigate the complexity of the standards so you can spend your time and effort on your business.

Prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism

At Grant Thornton we provide advice to our clients in the development of an Asset Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention strategy that allows them to prevent risks in a comprehensive manner.