Collaboration with Las Medias Perdidas

Within the framework of the sustainability actions carried out by the our teams, we strengthen our commitment to the community by joinning the "Las Medias Perdidas" project.

During the months of February and March, in the Buenos Aires office, we carried out a collection of fabrics and clothing items that were not suitable for use among the collaborators. These donations were delivered to the Project so that they could become a new garment or a toy.


About "Las Medias Perdidas":

Las Medias Perdidas is a space for transformation and learning for women in vulnerable situations in La Cárcova, José León Suárez. More than 100 women attend the workshops to train in the craft of sewing and make clothing and toys to donate to soup kitchens, hospitals and other institutions within the community. They also have their own business to support the workshop by purchasing machines, threads, needles and other elements to work with.

More information in:

Las medias perdidas: Facebook.

Aromatic garden workshop

In May, we had a new Grant Thornton in the Community event. We attended an aromatic garden workshop provided by Sitopia at our Buenos Aires office.

We learnt about the importance of having a garden in our homes and the benefits of producing our food, in order to promote green spaces in our neighborhoods.