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Paola Vanesa Genco
Buenos Aires Office
BPS - Business Process Solutions Accounting Manager

Paola Vanesa Genco


Paola Genco is Business Process Solutions – Accounting Manager at Grant Thornton Argentina. She is a Certified Public Accountant graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). She has also taken courses in financial markets and soft skills, such as time management and decision making.


Paola has more than 10 years of professional experience in accounting outsourcing. She is part of Grant Thornton Argentina since 2012 and BPS - Accounting Manager since 2022. 

She has vast experience stablishing processes of internal control to achieve an accurate supervision of the workload, data collection and forecast, in accounting and financial reports, conciliations, inflation calculations and adjustments, financial statements, certifications and filings to tax regulators.

She has been involved in assignments for support during audits for clients. As Manager, Paola is responsible for the general achievements and results through meaningful business connections with the clients and understanding of growth and development possibilities according to each client’s market. 

Before joining Grant Thornton Argentina, she worked in the administration and finance division of an important credit company.

Languages spoken

English and Spanish.

Paola Vanesa Genco
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BPS - Business Process Solutions Accounting Manager
Paola Vanesa Genco
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