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Liliana Collazo
Buenos Aires Office
Audit Manager

Liliana Collazo


Liliana Collazo is Audit Manager at Grant Thornton Argentina. She is a Certified Public Accountant graduated from the Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy. She holds a certification in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from Grant Thornton International Ltd. and has taken courses on inflation adjustment and audit methodology.

Liliana is an instructor in in-company training courses related to accounting standards, auditing, methodology, and other related topics.


Liliana has more than 20 years of professional experience. She has been part of Grant Thornton for more than 15 years, where she specialized in external auditing. Previously, she worked for six years in the purchasing, logistics and foreign trade division of a major retail company.

She has vast experience working with clients from various industries, including OCASA, LATAM, Bayton, Fric-Rot SAIC, Fito Paez SRL, Louis Vuitton Argentina SRL, among others.

Languages spoken

English, German and Spanish.

Liliana Collazo
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Audit Manager
Liliana Collazo
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