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Ariel Salina
Buenos Aires Office
Advisory Services Supervisor

Ariel Salina


Ariel Salina is Human Capital IT Solutions Supervisor at Advisory Services at Grant Thornton Argentina. He is a Development Analyst and frequently takes courses on information technology. He trains clients in the use of Grant Thornton Argentina's own platforms for climate and performance assessments and e-learning tools.


Ariel has more than 30 years of professional experience. He is the technical leader for application and evaluation of e-Learning training courses development tools, and he is a specialist in the development of technological tools for human capital management.

He has been involved in the development and implementation of "Circle" and "Pulso", Grant Thornton Argentina's tools for 360° assessments and climate surveys, and their configuration to be used by clients. He leads the implementation and development of GTAcademy.la, Grant Thornton Argentina & Peru's edtech solution for administration and finance professionals. He developed the CRM used by Grant Thornton Argentina and GTAcademy.la.

Ariel has vast experience collecting, monitoring and processing large data sets, as well as applying advanced statistical techniques to identify trends and key patterns. He is an expert in the use of data analysis tools and software such as Power BI, Excel and Databases, allowing him to create detailed reports and informative visualizations of results.

Some of the most relevant clients he has worked with at Grant Thornton Argentina are Arcor, Banco Industrial (BIND), Cementos Avellaneda, Danone, Laboratorio Andrómaco, Nación Seguros, Provincia Microcréditos, Kidscorp, Naturgy and Banco Itaú.


Spanish and English.

Ariel Salina
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Ariel Salina
Advisory Services Supervisor
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