Assistance in the design, implementation and monitoring of Compliance programs within the framework of local and international regulations (FCPA, Corporate Criminal Responsibility Law), including course delivery.
Learn how our sustainability services can help you go beyond and build a strong reputation, attract committed investors and generate long-term sustainable financial results.
The services offer includes expert advice in litigation resolution and the development of procedures in legal/digital forensics and cybersecurity.
Human Capital solutions
Grant Thornton's Human Capital division has a team of professionals determined to accompany individuals and organizations throughout the relationship between the employee and the organization.
Organizational restructuring
Advice on operational restructuring to companies in difficulty, their creditors or other interested parties.
Services to the Government and the Public Sector
Financial audit projects and special technical and concurrent reviews of programs of national and subnational governments financed by International Credit Organizations. Special projects for government entities, public and mixed companies.
Valuation Services
We provide stock, business, asset, and liability valuations in support of negotiations, account structuring, and tax opportunities.
Transaction Advisory Services
The service offer includes financial due Diligence, operations services, business and strategic intelligence, ratings, advice on mergers and acquisitions, capital markets and debt advice.
Academy - Empowered by Grant Thornton Argentina & Perú
Academy is an e-learning platform that emerged as a joint initiative of Grant Thornton Argentina and Grant Thornton Perú. It is designed so that everyone can acquire new skills in accounting, auditing, taxes, technology and business through access to multiple courses and certifications.
External audit
We offer services of external audit of financial statements; assurance reports, agreed procedures and certifications; due-diligence and take-over of companies.
Audit methodology and technology
At Grant Thornton we use a single audit methodology across our global network. We apply it through an integrated set of software tools known as the Voyager suite. Meet it now.
Professional standards and training
Our IFRS advisors can help you navigate the complexity of the standards so you can spend your time and effort on your business.
Prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism
At Grant Thornton we provide advice to our clients in the development of an Asset Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention strategy that allows them to prevent risks in a comprehensive manner.

Tax outsourcing
Taxes have a strong impact on your business decisions. At Grant Thornton we will respond quickly and tailor solutions for our clients.
Put your payroll in good hands while you take your business beyond. Learn about our services.
Accounting, administration and finance services
To achieve the highest business benefits, you need an experienced team by your side. Learn about our services.
Start-up companies
Learn about our solutions to help build your business.
Financial statements audit
We offer services of external audit of financial statements; assurance reports, agreed procedures and certifications; due-diligence and take-over of companies.
FIU Independent External Reviewer - AML/CFT
We participate in the implementation of the requirements of the FIU in leading companies and our services ensure an orderly framework, optimizing the investment.
Internal audit
An internal audit helps identify gaps, deficiencies, and potential for inherent risk in all facets of the organization.
Legal audit
The monitoring of the legal area is usually a complex and difficult task for organizations, which however cannot be neglected.
Creation and acquisition of Financial Entities
We have the knowledge and experience in activities related to the acquisition and creation of financial entities, both locally and internationally.
Responsible for regulatory compliance
At Grant Thornton we offer the service of acting as "Responsible for Regulatory Compliance and Internal Control" for companies that requested registration as Settlement and Clearing Agent and Trading Agent.
IT Internal Audit
IT has been, and will increasingly be, a key factor for success and operational efficiency in all industries. Innovations such as the cloud and virtualization, and new threats around data security, have reinforced the importance and increased the risks associated with the use of technology for our clients.
As sophisticated digital manipulations become more prevalent, organizations must strengthen their defences and effectively protect themselves from threats and recognize those that are not. Organizations must act quickly to strengthen trust and resilience. A combination of enhanced security capabilities, robust controls, and employee education and awareness is critical.
ITGC Controls
Information Technology General Controls (ITGC) are a set of policies that ensure the effective implementation of control systems throughout an organization. ITGC audits help verify that these general controls are implemented and functioning correctly, so that risk is appropriately managed.
Global Mobility Services
Sending someone abroad involves liabilities and obligations. We offer interesting solutions to minimize the tax burden for both parties.
Direct Tax
We provide clear and practical solutions that meet your specific business needs, in the most tax-efficient way possible.
Indirect Tax
Grant Thornton's tax teams take a rigorous approach to help you meeting your tax obligations, whatever challenges you may face along the way.
International taxes – Transaction support
We offer our international experience in the field and make available the resources to plan and adequately comply with regulatory frameworks.
Services to private clients
Wherever you are in the world, our tax specialists can help you with your interests and investments abroad.
Clean energy and technology
Growing demand, development of new ways of energy and need of a sustainable future: we accompany our client in these changes and to be one step ahead.
Our flexible, partner-led teams are dynamic and focused on development. We take time to understand the details of the client’s business and offer unique solutions.
Oil and gas
Our Oil & Gas teams have the deep knowledge, wide experience and vision needed to offer our clients practical solutions adapted to their businesses.
Grant Thornton offers meaningful and accurate solutions for operational and transactional issues, litigation and administrative disputes in banking.
Private capital
We gather international teams of experts in corporate finance, restructuring and recovery, tax and insurance services to deliver customized solutions from initial investment, through development stages until the end of each project.
We work to take advantage of all opportunities and manage industry risks, allowing our clients to always be one step beyond their competitors.
Asset management
We have specialized teams in more than 140 markets delivering solutions regarding insurance, taxes and advisory to global, international, regional, local asset managers.
Thanks to our specialized team we offer accurate solutions for operational and transactional matters, litigations and administrative conflicts.
Day three: the importance of tackling tax evasion to development
Denmark has made huge strides in tackling tax evasion, for example by digitising tax returns and ensuring that the authorities always know who the true owner of a company is. However, the Danish minister of taxation, Benny Engelbrecht, summed up the problem at last week's IMF/World Bank summit: "I have companies coming to me saying they are being 'forced' by their competitors to use tax loopholes; they tell us we need to remove the loopholes and create a level playing field so that one company does not have an unfair advantage over another."
The need to take morality out of the tax equation is something that Francesca Lagerberg, Grant Thornton's global leader for tax services, has been very vocal on and it is why we support the G20 BEPS (Base Erosion And Profit Shifting) initiative being developed by the OECD. The problem is complex but pressing, especially for the developing world.
The battle cannot be won without private sector engagement
The panel agreed that tackling tax evasion requires the mobilisation of domestic resources, both public and private. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, managing director of the World Bank, said "an estimated 60 per cent of global trade happens between multinationals… aid will not be sufficient to reach development goals; we need to engage the private sector".
The panellists suggested a range of ways in which this could be achieved. Eric Hylton, executive director at IRS Criminal Investigations in the US, said it would continue to "aggressively pursue" financial institutions to send a message that money laundering was unacceptable. It might not catch every instance but the deterrent is strong; just ask Credit Suisse. Villa Kulild, director general of Norway's Development Agency, said the first thing she tells governments in countries starting on this journey is that they are "entitled to tax your natural resources" even though some companies might tell them otherwise. However, the panel agreed that to address a business model which the US president of Oxfam, Ray Offenheiser, describes as "aggressive tax exploration", engagement with the private sector is the most important tool available to them.
Reform means greater transparency and reciprocity
Indrawati made the point that having good tax policy is pointless without the governance, measurement and collection processes in place to implement and revise it. However, an issue acknowledged by all the panellists is the complexity of corporate taxation, particularly involving transactions across borders in the digital age.
The IRS is helping countries in the developing world learn how to better exchange information and recognise illegal activity. Offenheiser welcomes this capacity building as he doubts whether these economies are ready for the reciprocity – in terms of the information they would be expected to share with other countries – that signing up to a global tax agreement would necessitate. Engelbrecht thinks that developing countries need to do more themselves, arguing that multinationals are often able to extract huge, opaque tax concessions (which are not given to their domestic peers), distorting the market and giving local operators a reason to avoid paying up.
Tackling tax evasion is vital for developing economy growth
Tax evasion costs developing economies US$300bn a year in foregone revenue, according to Indrawati, who described it as "stealing people's opportunities". Luis Miguel Castilla, the former finance minister of Peru, estimates that tax evasion in his country reduces income tax revenues by 50 per cent and VAT receipts by 35 per cent. These are missing revenues that governments could spend on social programmes, for example boosting productivity though health and education, but if people do not see a trade-off in improved public services they are unlikely to get behind increased openness and transparency.
Clearly the BEPS initiative is important beyond the G20 and multinationals. Offenheiser summed up the scale of the issue: "There is no hope of us reaching the (World Bank) sustainable development goals without tackling tax avoidance."
For more information on the questions a business leader can ask to ensure tax compliance please see Global tax: it's time to act.