The Grant Thornton network has 40 International Business Centres (IBCs). Each IBC acts as a liaison between its clients and national and international markets. Grant Thornton Argentina's headquarters in Buenos Aires was designated IBC for its high level of experience in international business and the importance of its clients.


Photo of Arnaldo Hasenclever“The firm has always stood out for providing services to international clients,” highlights Arnaldo Hasenclever, who since 2001, in addition to carrying out his role as Managing Partner of the firm (2001-2021), was appointed as IBC Director, a role he held until 2023. “It is a role that focuses on the promotion and development of international businesses.” Arnaldo was also elected at the regional level to be part of the International Board of Grant Thornton International in 2001. It is a position that is held for 6 years. He was later elected again for the period 2013-2019.

For more than 20 years as part of the Grant Thornton network, the Argentine firm has had many international experiences and is increasingly taking part in international tenders to provide services to large companies in a wide variety of sectors. The International Business Centre has been a key factor in this, connecting companies with our experts to go beyond business as usual.

Photo of Fernando FucciAfter more than 20 years at the helm of IBC, as of 2024, Hasenclever handed down the direction of the international business centre to Fernando Fucci, Managing Partner of Grant Thornton Argentina and current Director of the IBC.

“Even in a challenging context, Argentina offers very good business opportunities. At Grant Thornton we know how to manage complexity and provide the necessary support to our clients”, says Fucci.

Grant Thornton Argentina's milestones

Grant Thornton Argentina milestones

New challenges in global context

The consulting sector has evolved over the past few decades due to globalization. As a member of the Grant Thornton network, the firm went from being a niche business, closely involved in binational and German-speaking institutions, to belonging to an international network with a presence in more than 140 markets.

Photo of Arnaldo Hasenclever“Initially, the sectoral and binational institutions to which we belong were a very important source of clients. But these types of niche markets became less relevant as the consulting sector globalized and the services provided by firms like ours are now increasingly varied,” says Hasenclever.

“Currently, Advisory services are those with the greatest potential. New areas emerge all the time: certifications, tech services such as cybersecurity, or those related to compliance with sustainability standards. Also arising, as a result of the new technologies and working methodologies, is the possibility of implementing artificial intelligence tools, e-learning or software products for human capital management, such as our online training products, remote surveys, performance evaluations, among others," adds Fucci.

Photo of Fernando FucciDigitalization also brings with it the possibility of providing new services. In our Business Risk Services area -specialized in the financial sector- our IT Advisory teams are especially dedicated to providing cybersecurity, system implementation and audit services. We have participated and intervened in the creation of digital banks, virtual wallets and payment processing companies. We have also been part of the development processes of several Argentine digital unicorns. Providing this type of services involves the ongoing training of our teams and strengthening our systems and methodologies. Without a doubt, it is a sector with many challenges, but it is also a sector in which we have a lot of strength and experience."

The importance of our natural resources

Argentina is a country with many important and necessary resources for the global community: we have large reserves of water, lithium, oil and gas, large areas of land to produce food. We also have a lot of talent and a high level of qualification.

Our geographical and geopolitical position is an advantage. We are far from the wars and conflicts that are currently occurring on other continents. We are a multicultural and tolerant country where different languages are spoken. This tends to benefit the settling of shared services offices that provide work from Argentina for international markets.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Argentina is not an extremely populated country, except for the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA). This means that we are not a big detractor of climate care. On the contrary, our large areas of land allow us to strengthen our development without influencing the increase in climate problems caused by pollution.

Argentina's potential in global markets

Argentina, especially the agribusiness industry, has always stood out for being internationally competitive. This is due to the implementation of modern technologies and methodologies that help optimize production methods and seek, in many cases, more sustainable ways of producing. This is the case of some ways of sowing and extensive livestock farming, which are more sustainable than the feedlot farming predominant in other countries. Generally, the idea of sustainability is increasingly being incorporated into food production through certifications, circular economy processes, organic or agroecological foods, and the increase of food alternatives that have vegetables as exclusive raw materials (plant-based food).

Another Argentine industry that has stood out a lot is technology. Important software, e-commerce and other digital technologies companies have been developed. This is mainly due to the talent of those who developed these projects from the beginning. Nowadays, several Argentine unicorns are globally important and regional leaders.

Photo of Fernando FucciGlobalization also allows multinational companies to establish themselves in Argentina and collaborate internationally. We exemplify this as members of the Grant Thornton network. Some of our clients too. They provide services and other goods that are sometimes partly produced in Argentina and then assembled in other countries or vice versa. Our location in South America makes us interesting as part of these international economies of scale,” comments Fucci.

How we make a difference

“I think that Grant Thornton is a network with vast potential. It has the structure of the largest firms in the sector, teams, methodologies, demands and quality standards at the same level as the market-leading consulting firms -says Hasenclever-. We continue to have great growth potential and that strengthens us as an increasingly stronger alternative to the monopoly of the Big 4".

As a member of the network, Grant Thornton Argentina has become a firm that no longer depends on individualities. All its members strive to create an open firm in which there is growth potential for everyone.

Photo of Arnaldo Hasenclever"We implemented a permanent evaluation system that truly allows us to identify people with growth potential and support them in their career development. Some of our current partners took their first professional steps with us. Many of our managers also developed in the Firm", Arnaldo highlights. "We have vertical and horizontal promotion programs (to other areas and teams), technical and soft skills training such as leadership, in-company English classes and other policies to support and promote staff retention and the development of our talent. Our goal is that everyone has the freedom to build their destiny at Grant Thornton".


Get to know Fernando Fucci

Fernando Fucci
Managing Partner
Fernando Fucci