Human capital

Performance evaluations: tools for career development

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Every day more companies are implementing 360° Performance Assessments to take all the advantages associated with the participation of different stakeholders in the career development of employees.

Performance evaluations are usually feared by employees. But far from simply being a tool for control, they are useful to understand work dynamics, detect opportunities for improvement, and design training and career development plans. There are different ways to carry them out, but one of the most comprehensive is the 360° Feedback.


What are 360-Degree Feedback?

In this type of job performance evaluation, collaborators are evaluated, not only by themselves and their direct supervisor, but also by their peers and, if applicable, by the teams they lead.

The purpose of these evaluations is to provide feedback and gather information for decision-making processes regarding the collaborators’ career development. 360-degree assessments provide a broader and more comprehensive perspective on the employee, their skills and their way of performing at work.


Strengths and weaknesses

360° Feedback assessments are the best for discovering the collaborators strengths and weaknesses since, by surveying different actors, they allow the direct superior's bias to be reduced and a more objective report to be obtained. In addition, they discover capabilities, aptitudes and attitudes that team leaders sometimes cannot detect.

These assessments are especially important in cases of remote work. In these teams, the supervisor no longer spends as much time with the members of his or her group, but each collaborator has links with many other members of the organization whose opinion is valid and of great value for putting together training and development plans. The multiplicity of points of view generates verifiable information on technical issues and soft skills that the collaborator can improve. The person's strengths that may be useful in a future leadership role are also revealed.

The discovery of a more holistic profile can offer collaborators opportunities for growth and development in their current team or in other areas of the organization and, consequently, lead to better company performance by knowing how to recognize the capabilities and skills of each collaborator more efficiently.

Once the current situation of a collaborator is known, special career plans can be designed and implemented based on the interests expressed, and also on those issues tha can be improved.


Performance and development

360° Feedback can be used periodically to measure how they are performing and progressing in the development plan and adjust accordingly.

It is very important to consider that the influence of this type of evaluations in promotions and benefit plans is a question that each company must analyse and implement according to its culture.



At Grant Thornton we have designed Circle, a tool which allows you to implement 360-Degree Feedback with the support of our team of professionals of Advisory in Human Capital.

Through Circle, people can be surveyed on any device and location, regardless of whether they work in offices, plants, fields or from home; since the survey can be accessed from computers, mobile phones and tablets.

Each survey is custom designed and based on the key competencies of each company. They have a simple, agile and digital format that allows obtaining results immediately and carrying them out regularly to obtain comparisons of evolution. At the same time, it allows the development of customized reports and the control of information in real time to establish the best action plan for each case.