Grant Thornton International

The earliest origins of Grant Thornton International date back to 1904, when Thornton & Thornton was formed in Oxford, United Kingdom. Twenty years later and on the other side of the Atlantic, 26-year-old senior accountant Alexander Richardson Grant established Alexander Grant & Co in Chicago, United States. In the 1960s, both firm’s leadership decided it was the right time to expand internationally.

In 1959, Thornton & Thornton merged with Baker & Co (United Kingdom, 1868) and formed the firm Thornton Baker. In 1975, Thornton Baker merged with Kidston Jackson McBain, a British firm that was one of the founders of the Glasgow Institute of Accountants and Actuaries in 1853.

In 1969, with Wallace E. Olson at the helm, Alexander Grant & Co. joined with firms from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom to establish the organization of Alexander Grant Tansley Witt. This organization operated successfully for 10 years.

By 1980, Thornton Baker and Alexander Grant & Co. joined with 49 other accounting firms with similar qualities, clients, personnel numbers and values, to form a global organization. Following its merger with Denver, US-based Fox & Co. in 1985, Alexander Grant & Co. became the ninth largest accounting firm in the United States, behind that era’s cadre of “Big Eight” firms.

In 1986, Alexander Grant & Co. and Thornton Baker changed its name to Grant Thornton, reflecting its affiliation and commitment to providing the best solutions for the benefit of clients.

Grant Thornton Argentina

In 2001, the Adler, Hasenclever & Asociados firm, headquartered in Buenos Aires, joined Grant Thornton International, giving rise to Grant Thornton Argentina. The firm began its operations in the local market with the aim of assisting the development and strengthening of companies and public entities, through professional policies and practices established by the international network.

In 2011, Grant Thornton Argentina acquired Associated Auditors and Sergio Kriger & Asociados, achieving a strong specialization in auditing, taxes and consulting for the financial and foreign exchange markets.

In 2016, the consulting firm Consulting Partners specialized in e-learning and people management joined the firm.

Grant Thornton today

Grant Thornton Argentina has more than 50 years of experience, human capital of more than 400 collaborators in the local market, offices in the cities of Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Rosario and a current team of strategic alliances in the provinces of Mendoza, Tucumán, Neuquén and Santa Fe.

Grant Thornton International, more than a century after its birth, has become a global network of 76,000 collaborators in member firms in more than 150 markets.

Grant Thornton's Story Infographic